Sunday, February 5, 2012

Preachin' in the Rain!

A few weeks ago, I was walking down the street out in service with an Australian sister named Janelle. We heard someone calling after us and turned around to see a young African guy running up. He asked us if we were Jehovah's Witnesses. His name is Eric and he is from Ghana. He is here in Thailand playing soccer for a local club. He told us that Jehovah's Witnesses used to visit him at his home and he has been looking for us ever since he got to Pattaya. When he saw us walking by, he said he just knew we were JWs! So he asked for some literature in english. We gave him some magazines and then I showed him a Bible Teach book and asked him if he was studying that book in Ghana. He said "yes yes!" I asked him if he wanted to continue his studies and he said yes. Right then, Jake and Glen, Janelle's hubby, came walking up and we introduced them. Jake got Eric's phone number and we invited him to the meeting.
Fast forward to this week...We called Eric and made arrangements to visit him back in that same street we first met him. As soon as we got there, rain starting falling down. So we went inside the little clothing shop on the corner to talk. Then the rain really came down. Now, as we are proper Oregonians, we ain't afraid of no rain! But this was unlike anything in Oregon. This was like the kind of rain that flooded Bangkok a few months ago! Monsoon!!! It was so loud we could barely hear to have a conversation. We ended up waiting for about an hour seeing if it would let up, but in the end, we just made arrangements with him to come back and Jake and I floated, I mean rode, our little scooter back home. When we got back, we were soaked to the bone. Well, mostly Jake. But we got home just in time because the street we had ridden down got all jammed up from flooding and debris floating everywhere. And the thunder was INTENSE! I was skyping with my sister and she could hear the thunder. In fact it was so loud we couldn't even hear each other talking at times! Craziness! So we took a day off. We took warm showers then lounged around in our jammies. Is it weird that I kind of loved the gray gloomy rain?? It made me nostalgic for you all back home:-) Fortunately, it was mostly cleared up by the time meeting rolled around.
Anywayzzzz...we were able to get back in touch with Eric on Saturday. He wanted to come to meeting but didn't know how to get there so Jake made arrangements with him to pick him up. He came today to meeting and he even commented during the WT study! All the way home, Jake said that he kept saying how happy he was to have come to a meeting since it had been 7 months! And apparently, he is all the way through the Bible Teach book and into the God's Love book. So we are gonna go study with him tomorrow. Yay! Jehovah is good!

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